As part of interdisciplinary education in the winter semester 2023/2024 we invite students of full-time (daytime) and extramural (evening, weekend) studies and doctoral students of the University of Lodz to participate in:

  • lectures in Polish and in foreign languages (organised by the University of Lodz)
  • Polish Film Academy (the organisers are: The Audiovisual Institute of the National Film Archive and the Łódź Film Museum)

Students may participate in the university-wide courses free of charge only if the courses have been included in their study curricula (the exception is the Polish Film Academy, for which a fee must be paid in each case) and subjects: the World Music-Introduction and the World Music-for Advanced (free even if are carried outside the study program).

A course led outside the study curriculum (Section § 48 of the Rules of Study at the University of Lodz) will be subject to a fee in the amount specified in the Regulation of the UL Rector.

The amounts of the fees (they may differ depending on the Faculty at which the courses are led) are included in the Regulation of the UL Rector on the rules of paying for courses at the University of Lodz.

Detailed information:


E-registration via USOSWEB for the winter semester 2023/2024 is open from 27 September (13.00 hour) to 12 October 2023

Registration code: 00-POGOLNOUCZ-Z23/24

NOTE that: registering for the university-wide course in the USOSWEB system (this also applies to the Polish Film Academy) makes this course obligatory for a student. Obtaining credit is required to complete the semester/year.

Any changes can be made no later than 25 October 2023.

Doctoral students do not take part in the e-registration.

Request to participate in a given course shall be submitted to the person leading the course and to the university-wide courses coordinator at the Faculty.

The fee for the Polish Film Academy is borne by the students.