Egzamin programowy z języka obcego dla studentów 1 roku

Dear Students, 

The exam in a foreign language* for the 1st year students will be held on 20 January 2023 at Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics (address: 149/153 Pomorska Street) at: 13.00.-15.30 (the written part in Great Hall) and 16.00-20.00 (the oral part in selected rooms of the faculty). 

Please arrive 15 minutes earlier and wait for verification on the basis of your identity card or student identity card, allowing you to enter the premises and sit the exam. 

After the written part you will be directed to designated rooms. The oral exam is taken in pairs appointed by examiners. 

*the program (final) exam applies to students who have obtained a minimum B2 level in the diagnostic test and submitted an application for taking the foreign language exam on an earlier date